Bjorn Fountain


Water features are a popular addition to many outdoor spaces. They can provide a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere, as well as add visual interest to a landscape. However, one concern that some people have when considering a water feature is the potential noise it may produce.

There are many different types of water features, each with their own unique sound. For example, a babbling brook or gentle waterfall may create a soothing and calming sound, while a fountain or spouting water feature may produce a more noticeable and constant noise. Additionally, factors such as the size of the water feature, the volume of water flowing through it, and the surrounding environment can all impact the amount of noise a water feature produces.

Despite some concerns about noise, many people find that the benefits of having a water feature outweigh any potential drawbacks. In addition to providing a peaceful atmosphere, water features can also attract wildlife and help to improve air quality. With proper planning and installation, it is possible to enjoy the beauty and benefits of a water feature without it becoming a nuisance.

The Science of Noise

When it comes to water features, noise can be a concern for many people. But what exactly is noise, and how does it relate to water features?

At its most basic level, noise is simply unwanted sound. Sound is created by vibrations in the air, which are picked up by our ears and interpreted by our brains. The volume of a sound is determined by the intensity of the vibrations - the stronger the vibrations, the louder the sound.

When it comes to water features, the sound of the water can be soothing and relaxing, but it can also be too loud and disruptive. The volume of the water feature will depend on a number of factors, including the size and shape of the feature, the speed and force of the water, and the materials used to construct it.

One way to reduce unwanted noise from a water feature is to use "white noise" - a type of sound that contains all frequencies at equal intensity. White noise can help to mask unwanted sounds and create a more peaceful environment.

Overall, the science of noise is complex and multifaceted. When it comes to water features, the key is to find a balance between the soothing sound of the water and any unwanted noise that may be created.

Noise Levels in Water Features

Water features can add a calming and peaceful ambiance to any outdoor space. However, one concern that many people have is whether or not water features are noisy. The noise level of a water feature can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the size and type of the feature, the amount of water flowing, and the distance from the feature.

Some water features, such as fountains and waterfalls, can produce a significant amount of noise. The sound of rushing water can be soothing for some, but it can be irritating for others. Splash and splashing sounds can also contribute to the noise level of a water feature.

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the noise level of a water feature. For example, adding rocks or other materials to the base of a waterfall can help to absorb some of the sound. Additionally, adjusting the flow rate of the water can minimize the splashing sounds.

Overall, while water features can be noisy, there are ways to reduce the noise level and create a more peaceful environment.

Lion Wall Garden Fountain

Factors Affecting Noise Levels

Water features can add a soothing and relaxing ambiance to any outdoor space. However, some people may be concerned about the noise level that water features produce. The noise level of a water feature depends on several factors.


The pump is the heart of a water feature. The size and type of the pump can affect the noise level. A larger pump will produce more noise than a smaller one. Also, some pumps are designed to be quieter than others. It is important to choose a pump that is appropriate for the size of the water feature and the desired flow rate.

Water Levels

The water level in the water feature can also affect the noise level. If the water level is too low, the water feature may produce more noise. This is because the water will fall from a greater height, creating more splash and noise. Keeping the water level at the right height can help reduce noise levels.


The speed at which the water flows through the water feature can also affect the noise level. A higher flow rate will produce more noise than a lower flow rate. It is important to choose a flow rate that is appropriate for the size of the water feature and the desired effect.


The location of the water feature can also affect the noise level. If the water feature is located near a busy street or highway, the noise level may be higher. Also, if the water feature is located close to neighbors, the noise level may be a concern. Choosing a location that is away from busy streets and neighbors can help reduce noise levels.

In conclusion, several factors can affect the noise level of a water feature. By choosing the right pump, maintaining the water level, and controlling the flow rate, it is possible to reduce noise levels. Additionally, choosing a location that is away from busy streets and neighbors can also help reduce noise levels.

Tamaishi Stone Garden Fountain

Material Impact on Noise

The materials used in water features can have a significant impact on the amount of noise they produce. For example, water features made from stone or rocks tend to be quieter than those made from metal or other hard materials. This is because the rough surface of stone or rocks tends to absorb sound waves, reducing the amount of noise that is produced.

Metal water features, on the other hand, tend to be much noisier. This is because metal is a very hard and reflective material, which means that sound waves bounce off its surface and are amplified. This can lead to a very loud and unpleasant sound, especially if the water feature is located in a small or enclosed space.

Rust can also have a significant impact on the noise level of a water feature. Over time, metal water features can begin to rust, which can create a rough surface that absorbs sound waves. However, if the rust is allowed to build up too much, it can actually increase the amount of noise that the water feature produces.

Overall, when choosing materials for a water feature, it is important to consider the impact that they will have on the noise level. Stone or rock water features tend to be the quietest, while metal water features can be very noisy. Rust can also play a role in the amount of noise that is produced, so it is important to keep metal water features well-maintained to prevent excessive rust buildup.

Noise Reduction Techniques

There are several effective techniques that can be used to minimize the noise generated by water features. These techniques include the use of sound barriers, soundproofing materials, and sound baffles.

One of the most effective ways to reduce noise from a water feature is to use a sound barrier. A sound barrier can be made from a variety of materials such as sponge, walls, or other sound-absorbing materials. The barrier should be placed between the water feature and the surrounding area to help absorb and reduce the noise.

Another technique that can be used to reduce noise from a water feature is the use of soundproofing material. Soundproofing materials can be used to cover walls, floors, and other surfaces to help absorb and reduce noise. These materials can be purchased in a variety of forms such as foam, rubber, or fiberglass.

Sound baffles are another effective technique for reducing noise from a water feature. Sound baffles are specifically designed to absorb and reduce sound waves. They can be placed around the water feature to help minimize noise and create a more peaceful environment.

In conclusion, there are several effective techniques that can be used to reduce noise from water features. These techniques include the use of sound barriers, soundproofing materials, and sound baffles. By implementing these techniques, homeowners can enjoy the peaceful sound of running water without the unwanted noise.

Bjorn Fountain

The Role of Water and Plants

Water features, like fountains and waterfalls, can be a beautiful addition to any outdoor space. However, one concern that people often have is whether they are noisy. The answer to this question is not straightforward and depends on several factors. One of the most important factors is the role of water and plants in reducing noise.

Water is an excellent sound absorber. When sound waves hit the surface of the water, they are partially absorbed by the water, which reduces the noise level. Additionally, the movement of water can create a soothing, white noise effect that can help mask other sounds in the environment.

Plants, especially aquatic plants, can also play a significant role in reducing noise. Aquatic plants, like water lilies, can absorb sound waves and reduce the noise level in the surrounding area. Additionally, the leaves and petals of plants can help scatter sound waves, which further reduces the noise level.

In summary, the role of water and plants is essential in reducing noise levels in water features. By incorporating plants and using the right design, it is possible to create a tranquil and relaxing outdoor space without worrying about excessive noise.

How to Maintain a Peaceful Environment

When it comes to water features, maintaining a peaceful environment is crucial. Here are some tips to help achieve this:

  • Choose the right water feature: Some water features may be too loud for a peaceful environment. Consider a feature that produces soothing sounds, such as a fountain or waterfall.

  • Proper placement: The location of the water feature is important. Avoid placing it near busy areas or high traffic zones. Instead, opt for a quiet corner or courtyard where it can be enjoyed without distraction.

  • Use wind chimes: Wind chimes can complement the sounds of a water feature and create a relaxing atmosphere. However, make sure they are not too loud or distracting.

  • Regular maintenance: Keeping the water feature clean and well-maintained can prevent any unwanted noise or distractions.

Overall, creating a peaceful environment with a water feature is achievable with the right choices and maintenance.

Guide to Choosing the Right Water Feature

When choosing a water feature, there are several factors to consider. One of the most important is the size of the feature. A small water feature may not be loud enough to drown out the noise of nearby traffic, while a large feature may be too loud for a small backyard.

Another factor to consider is the type of basin used. A basin made of hard materials such as concrete or metal will amplify the sound of the water, while a basin made of soft materials such as plastic or rubber will absorb the sound.

Stones can also affect the sound of a water feature. Large stones will create a louder, more dramatic sound, while smaller stones will create a more subtle sound.

When choosing a water feature, it is important to consider the overall design of the space. A water feature should complement the existing landscape and architecture, rather than detract from it.

In summary, when choosing a water feature, consider the size, basin material, and stones used. Keep in mind the overall design of the space and choose a feature that complements it.

Are water features noisy