Valencia Spill Fountain in Crested Pool

Decorating around a water fountain can be a fun and creative way to add some charm and tranquility to any outdoor or indoor space. A water fountain can be a great centerpiece and a source of relaxation, but it can also be a challenge to decorate around. There are many factors to consider, such as the size and style of the fountain, the surrounding landscape, and the overall theme of the space.

One of the first things to consider when decorating around a water fountain is the size and style of the fountain. A large, ornate fountain may require more space and attention than a small, simple one. The style of the fountain should also be taken into consideration when selecting decor. For example, a rustic fountain may look best with natural elements like rocks and plants, while a modern fountain may pair well with sleek, minimalist decor. It's important to choose decor that complements the fountain without overwhelming it.

Another important factor to consider when decorating around a water fountain is the surrounding landscape. The fountain should be integrated into the landscape in a way that feels natural and cohesive. This can be achieved by selecting plants and decor that complement the fountain's style and color scheme. For example, if the fountain has a blue color scheme, blue flowers or decor accents can be used to tie the space together. By incorporating the surrounding landscape into the decor, the fountain can become a seamless part of the overall design.

Valencia Spill Fountain in Crested Pool

Understanding the Basics of Water Fountain Decoration

Decorating around a water fountain can be a great way to add a unique and aesthetic touch to your home or garden. Whether you're looking to create a relaxing atmosphere or simply want to add some style to your space, there are a few basics you should keep in mind.

When choosing a garden water fountain, consider the design and style that will work best for your space. There are many different shapes and sizes to choose from, so it's important to find one that fits your needs. Additionally, consider the base of the fountain, as this will also play a role in the overall design.

When decorating around a water fountain, it's important to keep the size of the fountain in mind. A large outdoor fountain will require more space for decoration, while a smaller fountain may be overwhelmed by too many decorative elements. Consider using a table or other surface to display smaller fountains, while larger fountains can be placed on the ground or on a pedestal.

One of the key elements of decorating around a water fountain is to create a unique and cohesive look. Consider using a theme or color scheme to tie together different decorative elements. Use different textures and materials to add interest and depth to your design while also integrating child safety features into the fountain area to ensure a secure and non-hazardous environment for young family members.

Overall, decorating around a water fountain can be a fun and rewarding project. By keeping these basics in mind, you can create a beautiful and relaxing space that you can enjoy for years to come.

Choosing the Right Location

When it comes to decorating around a water fountain, choosing the right location is crucial. The location of your water fountain will impact its functionality, maintenance, and overall aesthetic appeal. Here are a few things to consider when selecting the perfect spot for your water fountain:

Outdoor Space

Consider the size of your outdoor space when choosing the location of your water fountain. If you have a large garden or backyard, you may want to consider placing the fountain in a central location where it can be seen from all angles. On the other hand, if you have a smaller outdoor area, you may want to place the fountain in a corner or against a wall to maximize space.


Think about the area surrounding the location where you want to place the fountain. Is it a high-traffic area? Will the fountain be in the way of other outdoor activities? Make sure to choose a location that is easily accessible but won't disrupt other outdoor activities.


If you have a patio, consider placing the fountain in a location that complements your outdoor furniture. A water fountain can be a great focal point for your patio, so make sure to choose a location that enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space.


If you plan on placing your water fountain on a lawn, make sure to choose a location that is level and won't be damaged by water runoff. Additionally, consider the type of grass you have and how it will be affected by the fountain's water flow.


Finally, consider the maintenance required for your water fountain when choosing its location. Make sure the location is easily accessible for cleaning and maintenance, and that it won't be obstructed by trees or other outdoor elements that could cause damage.

Overall, choosing the right location for your water fountain requires careful consideration of your outdoor space, surrounding area, and maintenance needs. By following these tips, you can ensure that your water fountain will be a beautiful and functional addition to your outdoor decor.

Large Sphere Garden Fountain

Selecting the Right Fountain

When selecting a water fountain for your home, there are several factors to consider. The material of the fountain is an important consideration. Stone fountains are durable and can withstand outdoor weather conditions. Metal fountains are stylish and offer a modern look. Concrete fountains are a popular choice due to their affordability and versatility.

Another important factor to consider is the type of water feature you want. Do you want a simple fountain with a single spout or a more elaborate one with multiple tiers? Do you want a fountain that produces a gentle trickle or one that creates a more dramatic flow of water?

If you are looking for an indoor fountain, you will need to consider the size of the fountain and the space you have available. You will also need to consider the noise level of the fountain. Some indoor fountains can be quite loud and may not be suitable for certain spaces.

Finally, you will want to choose a fountain that is attractive and complements the overall style of your home. Consider the color and design of the fountain and how it will fit in with your existing decor.

Overall, selecting the right fountain is an important decision that requires careful consideration. By taking the time to choose the right material, water feature, size, and design, you can create a beautiful and relaxing space in your home.

Incorporating Greenery

When it comes to decorating around a water fountain, incorporating greenery can make a big difference. Plants and flowers can add color, texture, and depth to the area around the fountain, making it more visually appealing. Here are a few tips for incorporating greenery around a water fountain:

  • Choose plants that thrive in moist environments: Since water fountains tend to create a humid environment, it's best to choose plants that can handle a lot of moisture. Ferns and ivy are great options, as they love humidity and can add a lot of greenery to the area around the fountain.

  • Add some flowering plants for a pop of color: While greenery is great, adding some flowering plants can really make the area around the fountain come alive. Choose plants that bloom in a variety of colors, such as pansies, petunias, or impatiens, to add some visual interest.

  • Plant flowers in containers for easy maintenance: If you want to add some flowers but don't want to deal with the hassle of planting them in the ground, consider using containers. This way, you can easily move the plants around as needed and keep them well-maintained.

Overall, incorporating greenery around a water fountain is a great way to enhance its visual appeal. By choosing plants that thrive in moist environments and adding some flowering plants for a pop of color, you can create a beautiful and serene space around your fountain that not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also serves to attract wildlife, turning it into a vibrant, nature-friendly oasis.

Creating a Focal Point

A water fountain can be a stunning focal point in any space. It can create drama, visual interest, and transform an area into an oasis. To make the most of this feature, it is essential to decorate around it in a way that enhances its visual appeal.

One way to create a focal point is to use contrasting colors. For example, if the fountain is made of natural stone, consider placing brightly colored flowers or plants around it. This will draw the eye towards the fountain and create a stunning contrast that will make it stand out.

Another way to create a focal point is to use lighting. Placing spotlights or other types of lighting around the fountain can create a dramatic effect that will enhance its visual appeal. This will also help to highlight the fountain and make it the center of attention.

In addition to lighting, adding decorative elements such as statues, sculptures, or other types of artwork can also help to create a focal point. These elements can be placed around the fountain to create a sense of visual interest and drama that will draw the eye towards the fountain.

Overall, creating a focal point around a water fountain requires careful consideration of the surrounding space. By using contrasting colors, lighting, and decorative elements, it is possible to transform an area into an oasis that is both visually appealing and functional.

Incorporating Seating Areas

When decorating around a water fountain, incorporating seating areas can be a great way to enhance the overall experience. Adding a seating area to your water fountain can provide a relaxing and tranquil atmosphere for you and your guests to unwind.

When choosing seating for your water fountain, it is important to consider the style and material of the furniture. Opting for furniture that is made of materials such as wood or wrought iron can create a rustic and natural feel that complements the water feature. Additionally, choosing comfortable seating such as cushioned chairs or benches can provide a comfortable space to relax and enjoy the soothing sounds of the fountain.

To further enhance the relaxation experience, consider adding some decorative elements to the seating area. Placing some potted plants or flowers around the seating area can create a natural and inviting atmosphere. Additionally, adding some soft lighting such as lanterns or string lights can create a warm and cozy atmosphere for evening relaxation.

Overall, incorporating seating areas around your water fountain can provide a relaxing and tranquil space to unwind and enjoy the soothing sounds of the water feature. By choosing furniture and decorative elements that complement the water feature, you can create a cohesive and inviting space for you and your guests to enjoy.


Choosing Decorative Elements

When it comes to decorating around a water fountain, choosing the right decorative elements can make all the difference. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Consider the style of the fountain. The decorative elements you choose should complement the style of the fountain. For example, if you have a traditional tiered fountain, you might choose classic sculptures or marble figurines. If you have a modern, minimalist fountain, you might opt for sleek, contemporary accessories.

  • Think about the surrounding space. The decorative elements should also work well with the surrounding space. For example, if the fountain is located in a garden, you might choose natural elements like stones or plants. If the fountain is located in a more formal setting, you might opt for elegant statues or artwork.

  • Mix and match. Don't be afraid to mix and match different types of decorative elements. For example, you might pair a classic statue with a modern accessory for an eclectic look. Just be sure that the elements work well together and don't clash.

  • Consider the overall aesthetic. Finally, consider the overall aesthetic you're trying to achieve. If you want a serene, calming space, you might choose subtle, understated decorations. If you want a bold, dramatic space, you might opt for larger sculptures or more colorful artwork.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can choose the right decorative elements to create a beautiful, cohesive space around your water fountain.


Decorating around a water fountain can be a fun and rewarding experience for homeowners. By following the tips and considerations outlined in this guide, one can create a functional and enjoyable space that is sure to impress guests and increase curb appeal.

Symmetry and surrounding area are important factors to consider when placing a water fountain. Traditional designs can add a touch of elegance to any space, while solar-powered options can be both eco-friendly and cost-effective. Leveling and assembly are crucial steps to ensure the fountain runs smoothly and safely.

Textures and patterns can be used to add visual interest and movement to the area around the fountain. Fish and elephant ears can be incorporated to create a tranquil and natural environment. Sunlight and sand can also be used to enhance the overall aesthetic.

Above all, the key to successful fountain landscaping is to love and enjoy the process. With a little creativity and attention to detail, anyone can transform their front yard or courtyard into a serene oasis.


How to decorate around a water fountain